Four Easy Steps To A Healthier, Happier Life

There is little in life that is more important than our health. Unfortunately, many people do not begin to take this seriously until we are older, or something happens that forces us to think about it like this. When we are young, our bodies are in great shape and we tend to take advantage of this, abusing ourselves because it is fun. We eat whatever we want and drink alcohol to excess because we have the ability to bounce back quickly… or so we believe. However, what we do not realize is that our young, wild lifestyles are like writing a check that our bodies will have to cash at a later date.

There Is Good News

The good news is that staying healthy is not a complex or difficult thing to do. All it really takes is a little foresight and self will, which is something that most young people have in abundance if they would just learn how to use it. The key ingredients are simple:

• You are what you eat.
• Sleep is more important than you know.
• Exercise is addictive.
• Smile-It is the secret ingredient.

You Are What You Eat

Eating healthy food is very important when you are young. Our bodies need certain nutrients that are not found in fast food takeout joints. Pizza may be delicious, but it is not a staple that will give you what your body craves. When we are young, we feel good and that can fool us into believing that we can eat whatever we desire. The fact is, the key to staying healthy in later years is a good balance of fruit, lean meat, vegetable, and a moderate to light party style.

Sleep Is Important

When we are younger, we believe that we do not need to sleep. We just do not want to sleep a third of our life away. The thing is, a third of a short life is a lot less than a third of a long robust life. Not sleeping and not taking care of our bodies shortens our life. Sleep and live longer. You come out ahead in the long-run and you will feel so much better.

Exercise Is Addictive

Many young people enjoy sports and the exercise it affords. Others are less coordinated and do not participate. The banes of our existence in this age are computers and video games. If you begin jogging and other forms of exercise at a young age, you will be surprised at how fun, and how addictive it can become. If you need motivation, there are always good causes out there that benefit worthy charities in the form of sponsored marathons and other activities that benefit the less fortunate. Get in on the fun and you sill see just how much happier and healthier you can be.

The Secret Ingredient

Studies have borne this out over the last decade but it is just not catching on, as it should. Smiling can prolong your life. It is actually pretty amazing what a smile can do for your health as well as your state of mind. When we smile, our bodies release serotonin, which improves the immune systems ability to function and lowers your stress and blood pressure. If you are not happy, smiling can actually make you happy because that is part of what serotonin does. That is not to say that smiling solves life problems, however, it does improve our outlook. By affecting the way we see our problems, our clarity improves and problem solving becomes easier. Remember that all you need to do to enjoy a longer, healthier life is to eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, and smile. It is that simple.

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