Employee's Handbook... Vital Part of Your New Restaurant

The moment you decide what kind of restaurant you want to open, if you want to work with the company. Believe me, you can get a loan without a floor restaurant truly a bargain. The better the project, the better the chances are that loan. However, there is something else that is going to need prior to taking a freelance writer to begin, the better. Your employee handbook and guide is the most important thing to give your new employees.

Covering the bases

Do you have a basic manual of employees for each member of your staff. In the user base, you must describe in detail what it is that you can expect from your employees. Some of the general topics that will cover include:

• Dress Code
• Absenteeism and delays
• Theft
• Ethics
• Customer expectations
• Hygiene

Dress Code

Many restaurants will issue uniforms to their employees. The employee is responsible for keeping them clean and in good condition. Personal hygiene is very important in the treatment of the public and food. Piercing and tattoos are not in good taste and should be avoided. Hair must be clean, short or in a rack.

Planning and Neglect

Employees are required to work on time every day they are scheduled. The employee is responsible for knowing their programs at any time. Behavior too late or absent affects us all. When an employee is late or absent, someone else suffers from having to stay late or work for a change of cover. It is not right for everyone. This should be expressed in the emphasis on the Employee Handbook in more than a place, because this type of behavior you get an employee fired and replaced faster than anything else.

Theft by employees

The theft affects inventory restaurant. It can not be tolerated at any level, for any reason. Theft is wrong, if it is a good simple theft or grazing. The restaurant has a rule of zero tolerance for theft and should be quite clear that the restaurant management aggressively pursue and prosecute theft. An open door policy can help prevent theft by employees to uncover problems before you steal. As a good employer, you want to help. This is natural.

Customer Service

The customer service is the most important part of a restaurant skills. Without customers, there is no restaurant. There are online courses that are directed staff to participate. You can help too new to work with the changes experienced operations staff so they can help each other. The only thing that never ends is training in customer service. This is an ongoing process, because it is also an evolving process. New and exciting ideas and concepts to clients training come along every day. Stay informed of this and keep workers in the loop. The employee handbook is the perfect place to start.

Safety starts here

It should also relate to each job and the expectations of the employee manual. Each employee receives a copy of all job descriptions, if they decide to work out the stabbing. Cross training is an important ingredient for the success of a restaurant. The employee manual is where, restaurant and security begins.

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