Vitamin B12... What Should You Take?

Vitamin B12 is one of the most important supplements that people can take. B12 converting carbohydrates to glucose, which then produce energy resulting in a decrease in fatigue. B12 is able to direct more energy levels, the most common and most popular benefits of taking supplements of vitamin B12. The recommended dose is 1000 micrograms per day. One of the advantages known for vitamin B12 has shown that the energy and thereby help to promote increased weight loss.

Vitamin B12 shows the healthy regulation of the nervous system resulting in less stress reduced brain stimulate contraction and less likelihood of depression. In addition, studies have shown that a deficiency in vitamin B9 and B12 can reduce the risk of Alzheimer twice.

Vitamin B12 (and B9) has been shown to reduce homocysteine ​​levels in the blood protein that cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart attack increases. regulate cholesterol and high blood pressure. B12 also prevents stroke and is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Vitamin B12 and B9 is essential for DNA metabolism and maintenance to help prevent cancer and slow aging.
The problem with vitamin B12 is not readily absorbed by the body - in fact, only 3% of vitamin B12 pills for that in our systems. As a result, many people turn to vitamin B12 images as a way to increase the absorption of vitamin B12.

In addition to taking vitamin B12 injections, people might be surprised to know that the type of vitamin B12 that is crucial. Otherwise, throw your money away.

Cyanocobalamin is the most common form of vitamin B12 in supplements, but many are surprised to learn that this form of vitamin B12 actually do not occur naturally in plants or animals. The chemically synthesized in a laboratory.

As the name suggests, cyanocobalamin actually contains small amounts of cyanide. It is certainly not sufficient for toxic but have to be eliminated by the body, however, and this requires an additional process step.

The other form of vitamin B12, methylcobalamin is better absorbed by the body and stored in large quantities in the tissues. Methylcobalamin is the specific form of B12 which are necessary for a healthy nervous system and is generally used more efficiently by the body. This is actually the compound of vitamin B12 that doctors use in patients with deficiencies of vitamin B12 for treatment.

The most studied use of methylcobalamin is associated with sleep. There is evidence that methylcobalamin is needed for the synthesis of melatonin and may help regulate melatonin secretion, enhance light sensitivity, and normalize your "circadian rhythm" (the 24 hour clock)

These individuals supplementing this form of B12 often improves sleep quality, sleep less, and not report that they feel more refreshed and energetic the next day.

Methylcobalamin also seems to lead to better maintenance of body temperature 24 hours. Usually people in addition to this specific form of vitamin B12 have higher temperatures in the last hours of the day that corresponds with improved alertness and a faster metabolism (the reason why vitamin B12 injections have been shown to aid weight loss)

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