How to Protect Your Wireless Network

One of the best things a wireless network, whether at home or at work is that you no longer have to worry about exposed wiring around the world. But this is with its own risks, not least of which there are a number of networks are fully protected, that is to say that they do not need password, or other in order to be connected to that network.

Pubs and restaurants, even fast food places like McDonalds, they have what is known as wireless hotspots, ie have a wireless network that everyone in the neighborhood with a computer can access without problems, this is because the network because it is not protected password. Although the protection of a personal wireless network is not too difficult, in fact, most suppliers will guide walkthrough the installation disk, but when it comes to a corporate wireless network, you need professional support.

The two major issues related to wireless networks are like the network is configured and installed. Protecting your network is very important because it is too easy for hackers to obtain and install a virus on an unprotected network, and that the virus can cause substantial damage to the company and its associated data.

A professional service for Internet security will ensure you get the right kind of computer program for the protection, such as McAfee. For a home computer when AVG is something perfect and identify suspicious or malicious web sites before you join. Of course there are many other companies out there that have their own unique content, including Symantec and Norton, for whom protection of the house is very simple and should not cost too much either.

If you plan to have many computers on a network is the least problematic option is to install structured wiring as this helps the communication and makes the data available to all employees who have a license. Once the cabling is the installation of routers and switches must be configured and installed. The routers have a central location so that all machines are also able to access it. The router is then connected to the power source and the Internet. The routers have RS-232 serial ports in the case of dial-up Internet services are increasingly needed. You also need a wired router or a hub to connect. Modern computers have a wireless network adapter built-in.

If you need the router to choose a name for your network router from the Internet is changing the data in a wireless module. The router manufacturer will already have a generic name, but you need to change the situation with one of your choice, it is more secure - this is known as the SSID or Service Set Identifier. These settings must be the same for all computers on the network. Once done, you must install and configure the firewall and other security options, such as a virus and a spam filter for email. Mobile IP (Internet phone service provider) must be installed and configured.

Of course, if the company does not own or support network, you can perform a full installation to your account. This will help ensure that this happens correctly and the risk of potential future problems or weaknesses in security.

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