Vegetarian on a Budget

Cheap imitation meat - it's amazing that I can get a ¼ pound hamburgers Wendy at 99 cents, and they still make a profit. This is because the meat was raised in a structured form, industry, and most importantly, subsidized food grains. Thus, meat's price is actually cheaper.

This may be a problem for vegetarians, food for vegetarian is not subsidized in general (except corn syrup, but you will avoid this as well). If you have limited funds, but wants to continue to eat healthy foods, try some of these tips.

Buy Whole Foods

Purchases are processed foods and fast way to burn through cash.This is for food, because the definition of products with added value. You pay for a process that takes place for cooking, compared to the calories it contains. It is better to skip the processing stage and go straight to the source and start buying all the grain and legumes in your diet is based. Wheat pasta, brown rice, millet, Loboda, flour and beans of all kinds are a great way to start. Cereals and pulses provide a source of protein, carbohydrates and minerals - all necessary for you during the day.Also, try to keep fresh fruit around the house - bananas, apples, oranges - because it's the cheapest way to get healthy food in the afternoon. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator - vegetables, lettuce, onions, sweet potatoes, garlic, carrots. It's free vegetables, a power supply.

Making more

Restaurants and cafes are not the fastest way to start saving money. Restaurants and cafes cheap that every day - say, $ 7 for dinner - quickly turned into $ 350 per month. Prepare all meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and make them healthy. It is not hard to do, really. Make a big dinner with all the food that you followed all the kitchen and make sure to prepare enough for the rest. Your lunch for tomorrow! For breakfast, grab something quickly - like a bowl of cereal, fresh fruit, toast and peanut butter ... It is very easy and you can easily save hundreds of dollars a month.

Buy in bulk

Try to use the bulk of your local grocery store. All sugar, cereals, pulses and can be purchased from the share prices of bulk packaged section. In health food stores and retail cooperatives often can buy peanut butter, butter, vanilla, although the tea loose leaf in the volume section. This section is often overlooked and not fully, but it is a great resource, however. Also, remember to try to get a membership at Costco and save on food here. Cuba is confirmed when you look at the store with $ 250 worth of food - the same food purchased in stores will cost about $ 500. A good way to save.

Start Park

Even relatively small garden can provide plenty of fruits and vegetables. Park 4'x4 'can easily accommodate many fruits and vegetables year round you, and all of them during the hot summer months. In three or four 4'x4 gardens can provide enough for a family of four or five, no problem. The amount you save the results to reimburse the initial cost of building a garden window, buy seeds and fertilizer equipment in the first year. He will continue to grow for years to save serious money, and give you an excuse to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Try to check out "Square Foot Gardening" Mel Bartholomew began.

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