Continuing Fuel Price Increases Forces American for Innovation

It seems that the ever increasing fuel prices inevitable. With no end in sight it poses the questions: How much is too much? At what point will U.S. consumers stop buying fuel and start thinking about alternative forms of transportation? The first excursion "outrageous" gas took place in 1974 when people were forced to pay $ 0.50 per gallon. In the decade to follow, was the cost of fuel was $ 1.25 and in 1997 reached the price of $ 1.50 per gallon. The new millennium has seen the introduction of $ 2.00 per gallon and the current prices are around $ 3.50 mark, about $ 0.81 per gallon more than last year. For many, this exponential increase enough to justify new ideas and changes in the way you move from one place to another.

If hostile rockets in Libya and oil prices shoot up in e-commerce, the cost of fuel is certainly grow in the coming months. Economists predict that gas prices will be about $ 5.00 a gallon in summer, in some parts of the United States, although it is shocking to between $ 50 and $ 100 to spend on a full tank of gas, everything can get worse. Our neighbors in Europe at this time to shell out about $ 9.00 per gallon for their "fuel". European countries do not enjoy the benefits of fuel subsidies of government that we do here in the U.S..

How many Americans trade in gas guzzlers for economy cars auto sales expected to reach about sixteen percent more than last year. Popular hybrids like the Toyota Prius, Honda CR-Z, Nissan Leaf and Ford Fusion are all snapped up. While the plug-in hybrids like the Chevy Volt quickly catching up. Dealers across the country are sold out of many of these models and pre-orders are at an all time high. The recent disaster in Japan has raised concerns that the production of hybrid batteries and other components necessary for Japanese cars can be significantly delayed. Consumers have responded by choosing to order the vehicle to ensure the availability decreases.

Retailers that sell two-wheelers are also reporting a significant increase in sales. Harley Davidson motorcycles and Vespa are now more popular than they have in years. Although not approved for highway travel, mopeds and Vespa can travel seventy miles on a gallon of gas. Even the largest Harley can get fifty miles to the gallon. For those who live in a warm, mild climate to move on two wheels is becoming a more reasonable solution. For those who live in colder areas of the country's two wheels are not really an option. Who wants to hop on a Vespa and a cruise to the supermarket in 30 degree weather?

Car manufacturers and component suppliers are doing their part by exploring new technologies to improve fuel efficiency. The Ford Motor Company is testing a technology that injects tiny air bubbles in the plastic parts used in Ford vehicles to build. If successful, this process can help reduce vehicle weight from 250 to 750 pounds. Tire manufacturers, Michelin, Goodyear and Cooper GFE have developed and now offer tires fuel consumption. Although these tires with less rolling resistance, but produce a 1-2 percent difference in fuel economy, every little bit helps. New developments in engine technology for combustion engines are constantly in progress, all with the goal of lighter, more fuel efficient.

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