Maintaining Your Car's Cooling System & Ethylene Glycol Antifreeze

To keep the water in the cooling of the freezing water mixed with antifreeze / coolant.
This contains a "ethylene glycol" chemical, that the water to be frozen at temperatures well below 32 ° C (0 degrees) freezing of the water normally required at normal temperature, and can slow boil so that the resulting mixture of water and antifreeze / coolant does not boil, and steam up to a temperature much higher than 212 ° F is normally needed.

Most antifreeze / coolant containing about 95% ethylene glycol, more corrosion inhibitors and rust, the formation of foam. This means that more water coolant in the liquid state occurs. Helps prevent the formation of rust on the metal surfaces of the engine and the radiator lubricates the water pump and maintains the fluid circulates as the foam from the system. Since the early 1960, manufacturers have the design of the cooling systems of vehicles over a 50-50 mixture of ethylene glycol and water -, and which is generally regarded as the correct ratio of the cooling liquid and the water for cooling of most cars - even in 40 below zero temperatures common in cold winter in places like Winnipeg Manitoba Canada.

If your car cooling system is working properly. You should not add water. The more water you add, the more dilute the coolant in your system. Since the rate generally recommended coolant and the water is 50-50 (although even a larger part of the coolant if you need or if you prefer), sooner or later you're going to tilt the balance in Please continue to add water if only without the addition of cooling liquid glycol base. Even if your car, truck or SUV is not losing water, a skilled mechanic and car dealer service technicians recommend the system to clean and replace the coolant at least once a year in general - depends on the type and brand of the refrigerant. Some species are designated to be replaced every year, some less, and some not at all for the life of the vehicle. You can also say that personal preferences endlessly debated question also involved.

In addition, slow down the boiling point of the liquid in the cooling system, the entire system at atmospheric pressure. This pressure is, in general, is between 7 and 16 pounds per square inch (psi). If the pressure increases, the boiling point increases. This combination of pressure refrigerant + This makes it possible the cooling liquid in the boiling system to withstand temperatures up to 250 ° C or more, in order of certain vehicles.

Finally, to keep the lid of the pressure in the cooling system radiator each car has a removable cap pressure radiator on the radiator to fill completely. These are relatively cheap, but if you have a hat that does not work or if the wrong type of hood, you would be amazed at the amount can cause problems. Just take the time to your local auto parts dealers or visits, and replace the lid. It 'easy.

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