Deepest Gratitude... Dog & I

When I live with my roommate (s) a lot of people would come and leave the door wide open and my dog ​​Barosa would be exhausted and we would follow it down, luckily we get / put some people really good at heart in this area, and that his house would spend most of the time.

Once she ran away and I had a taste of his journey beyond the window and not think about it, but then when I saw that no body was out with her and she ran away, I went looking for her. I could not find it, so I did what I normally did when this happened. I waited .... I waited and waited and waited. In the end I closed the house for the day and went to sleep, the next day I waited and waited and waited, in vain that never returned. A week or this came to us and stole our lawn mower - I do not really think too much, but it proved a great attraction, even if you do not see it as a bad thing (yet) - (It was on a lawnmower bad in any case ;)).

Barosa past 2 months and still not come home and I began to be very worried about my little fury friend. Currently in Colorado we had a heavy winter and spring / summer rains, we go down this autumn record time. The front lawn was a jungle! Even though it was just "weeds" in the opinion of many. I had a chair and a table away from the fence where he had grown into the largest area of ​​vegetation. It was absolutely beautiful and relaxing to sit in this haven of plants, it was nice (air) and in life! All these plants are of different types and mixed together to create a garden - as it was suppose to be there just as well for me.

But, as we who are on a main road, the city has not seen the beauty that I saw in this garden, so I was asked to take it down. But because I was not mowing to do, so I got a whacker grass ... Well, needless to say, was not very effective, and I used it for so long and worked so hard the engine has started from plastic to metal and I started breathing in these toxic (probably Chinese made lol) smoke. I do not think of much else, "this is not good." He soon gave up a shot because grass was literally falling apart and come together.

3 or 4 days passed and my friend was still on site, but I will never forget one morning I woke up with a lot of pressure / pain in my chest and stood around for 20 minutes and so I did not know what it was , but it went away and I was happy! But the next day I woke up again and this pain, I'd be more than a half months, and nothing stopped once did so much pain and fear in my mind that I rushed to the hospital because I felt like I had an infection that has spread from the lungs to the heart, I felt my heart slow, sputtering and spitting and blowing and drop. I could not sleep laying down the way I had to sleep sitting up for this month and the only thing that helped me to sleep was smoking marijuana.

If I were a period of my life I felt more alone, this was the moment. One evening I sat in the computer room to the left of the mattress and my friends came here and had some schrooms (mushrooms) and we run into the other room and sat in so much pain I felt like slipping on to escape the pain, My friend Steve Apex and felt my pain from the other room and Apex came in and shook my hand and I was sending him to send me what he knew about the healing. In my time of darkness was a godsend for someone to touch me and pull me back in this time. This night could not sleep that night and we went by car to Steve for a number of chronic diseases (marijuana) to find - I was too much pain and I did.

So we went with my parents around 6-7ish in the morning because I could not find anyone during the early morning hours of purchase. So I was ashamed and I prayed and asked that they give me a number of them, have done and I felt my bass! But he assured me that I was not as if I were there for recreational purposes, I really need something and do not take pain killers or any kind of pills for that matter that are not herbs or whole foods. Apex, Steve and I drove straight on the road to Green Mountain (Hayden Park) and set off a hill in the road and saw the sun rise as we smoked.

Funny or, Apex slept on the dirt road over the hill, we are Steve and I stopped and decided to talk for a while '. We smoked and reduction of pain and if the sun came up I felt refreshed, it was a very beautiful morning after the pain went away, I was able to draw lines in the air to see that morning, something I only heard of Steve since that would trip on acid. I finally got home and I spent that day.

A few weeks went this way and yet, not Barosa. A week ago I finally decided to sufficient doses of a whole food supplement called Juice Plus + I was taking in recent months so I had to take several months to recover. So I did, I used a whole month in the next 3-4 days. One night, while I put on the mattress that was in the computer room, I felt a tear in my chest saying "automatic writing" on my computer - it was my chains fall, the pain has decreased dramatically and I fell asleep (which completely down). I cried with relief as I drifted off to sleep and I was so happy and grateful. I never thought I'd be very grateful for my ability to breathe normally into my life. However, later I was in a fatal car accident and my lung collapsed, I was still in his hand, but during this month of growth was not me.

For the next day I was completely healed and my life is renewed! I felt ALIVE! I was so happy and grateful as I was touched to death again and came out stronger and more honest with my contacts in life. My dog ​​was still far away, but then went away for 3 months or so. One night, shortly after I had a tarot reading on her with my Tao Oracle (I Ching Deck), was in the cards that could still be alive, but I have not thought much about. A few weeks later I got a job from my father at an open house to perform any of its properties (the house to potential tenants). I brought my computer and I ended up writing Alchemy and the death of the ego that day for my friend Kylie again. (You can see it HERE)

I had some marijuana with me and I had smoked a long pipe for me because I had not seen a person come into the house all day, but this is something that usually only when meditation or yoga. Well I decided to do a Tarot reading Barosa my dog ​​to do, and the cards came back to say that the source in all the papers. Well, I saw a sign that had passed and she was somehow dead. I thought about it and I started doing a little 'Hatha Yoga and in the middle of it, I thought to myself how lucky I was to such an extraordinary animal and how much I loved her to have! I was so grateful, so very grateful that I fell on my knees in tears and left her spirit and her sense of loss through me with peace and tranquility. It 'was an unforgettable experience, I sat there and ask excitement "I!" It was what he found at the pound that day and how he became a great friend and companion.

After an hour of yoga and finishing my Alchemy item I packed up and went home and went to sleep. The next morning I was semi-awake and saw that the sky was turning purple as the sun began to rise into the air. I smiled and went back to sleep. I wake up early, but I could not believe my eyes! I was still asleep ... My dog ​​jumped on the bed and wept short little cries of excitement as I licked and jumped around my huge king size bed! I was completely shocked! I immediately went into the living room and my roommate was in complete shock, too.

"He was just waiting for the door, I had this feeling to get up and check-outs to return ..." said

Can you believe it? One evening passed, after my extreme gratitude and she was there, alive, breathing, and for me. He was so excited to come back was a very magical day. In that time he had left for the moment I went back through the depths of hell and back with nothing but a smile and a grateful heart. This point in my life I thought that personal experience of true gratitude and since then, has continued to help in other ways reminding me. And she pushed me to start walking and eventually I give my life goal of climbing Mt Everest.

Unless the world blows up in 2012 I know that climb Mt. Everest in a project I did called "Signs of Peace", though I'm scared out of my mind when I astral project at Mt. Everest I still look up and see the challenges that await me there, and reminds me to continue living, to this day I still go to this goal, I had moved in front of a very cold night on the summit of Green Mountain!

So you do not, the power of gratitude! My teacher ... a dog ... how great! Do not underestimate your experience where you can find - both in sickness or a person or a situation where it is, you know, with that doubt, it's time to know the power of gratitude!

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