Herbs For Health - Basil

Basil has been around for thousands of years, and while it is mostly known as a Herb used in food recipes, as part of your Healthy Lifestyle Guide, you should also know of it's use in your medicine chest.

It is reported that there are more than 60 different varieties of Basil. The most common being sweet Basil, with a bright and pungent taste. some of the other well known basil varieties, known for their taste are lemon basil,cinnamon basil and anise basil.

Basil and Food - One of the best known uses of basil is as the key ingredient in pesto, a mixture of basil,pine nuts and Parmesan cheese. However it is featured in a number of dishes of Italian, Thai, and Vietnamese cuisines.

Basil and Health - Basil has many of the same medicinal effects as those reported for other members of the mint family. Much like spearmint and peppermint, basil can be used as a digestive aid, in the treatment of headaches and as a mild sedative. In one study it has been shown that basil stimulates the immune system by increasing production of disease fighting antibodies by up to 20 percent. While basil has never become a major healing herb in North America, adding it to your "must use often" herbs in the kitchen, can not hurt and could be a secret health boost for you and your family.

Raising your own Basil - Basil grows easily from seeds planted after the danger of frost has passed. It can be grown in the garden or as a potted plant. Plant the seeds about 1/8 inch deep. It germinates in about a week. Basil grows best in well-drained, enriched soil. Trim the branches every few weeks. You can use fresh basil or dry and store it in airtight containers. Keep the branches trimmed to avoid them from flowering.

Making your own Pesto
1 cup fresh basil leaves, tightly packed (note: dried basil cannot be substituted)
3 to 4 cloves garlic, crushed in a garlic press, or with the side of a chefs knife.
4 tablespoons of good olive oil
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons roasted pine nuts
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons fresh grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons fresh grated Romano cheese

Put the basil,garlic,pine nuts,water and 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in the blender and mix on low for about a minute and a half.
Add the remaining ingredients, mix for another 30 seconds at low speed, then 30 seconds at high speed. Remove from blender and serve on toasted baguette slices with Italian tomatoes, or add it to your favorite pasta dish.

Basil Salad
Layer fresh basil leaves over garden fresh tomato slices and top with fresh mozzarella slices for a colorful and delicious salad. If possible use fresh Buffalo mozzarella for an added treat.

Dieting for Health does not mean that food can not be exciting. There are so many great fruits and vegetables that can be used to create wonderful meals. The one thing to keep in mind is to always enjoy foods in moderation. Don't make to much of any one item, do not repeat the same recipe to often and you will always have something to look forward to as you follow your Healthy Lifestyle guide to reach your goals.

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