New Information Revealed On Preventing Up To One Third Of All Cancer

A new study published in The Lancet, shows that the specific changes in lifestyle would affect more than one third of cancer deaths worldwide. Many cancers are preventable causes that can be managed and prevented by changes in lifestyle and environment.

These factors include:

Unprotected sex
Low fruit and vegetables
Lack of exercise
contaminated injections
Indoor smoke from fuels 

Although the effect of smoking is a known risk factor for health, many of these other factors come as a surprise to many. Modern nations tend to have low nutrient foods and instead consume larger quantities of highly processed foods containing high levels of salt, fat and refined sugar. Lack of exercise is also an important factor for many people living in industrialized countries tend to sit in offices and small physical activity they did.

Indoor smoke from burning poses a risk of challenge for those who burn kerosene for heat. The invisible vapors and traces of soot damage the exposed tissues including the lining of the lungs and skin exposed and the surface of the eye.

These factors increase to 2.43 million in the annual budget of seven million cancer deaths reported in 2001 worldwide, according to data project comparative risk assessment by the World Health Organization, but also from other international sources Reducing the risk of cancer, a public benefit is to make available more funds for the medical treatment of the remaining millions affected by cancer. Since cancer is very expensive to treat, reduce the influence of these risk factors provides an economic advantage, and the improvement of many lives, by means of good health.

The research also shows smoking is linked to death of cancer:
LungTracheal and bronchial cancerEsophageal cancer and oral cancer.
Esophageal cancer deaths and deaths from oral cancer are also linked to the abuse of alcohol and the impact of other risk factors.The figures are based on a review of published studies, government reports and international databases.

With one in five cancer deaths worldwide due to smoking, according to the 2001 survey, the importance of quitting smoking is no longer evident.

The influence of passive smoking is not in the report.The real significance of these data is that it demonstrates that we can do something for cancer. Risk factors are things that we have the individual power. Although some types of cancer can be caused by more intangible factors, there are many things we can do to protect ourselves and a better quality of life through better living conditions and self-control of risk factors clearly identified. Some of these factors can be a challenge for some, but by asking the right questions like "how can I get more exercise" instead of "because I do not have time to go to the gym" you will find the answers you seek. The only step remaining is to act.

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