How Important is Breath of Life to You?

How much do you value your life.

At the age 25 I thought I could do anything. What a wonderful feeling? But, as I found out that life changes on you at anytime. My marriage ending because my husband decided to fall in love with another. I had a child to raise on my own. My home was sold and divorce was on it’s way. The other women wanted everything I had with my family.

How Life changes in minutes?

One day I am happy and wild and think I can do anything want and little did I know that my husband at the time was having an affair. Love no longer was part of us. Changes do come and be ready to decided what your are going to do.

I continue my career. Then made a big decision to move with my son to another state. I thought going to another city and state would make my pain go away. It did not make any changes. Why? Changes come from within deep soul of heart.

Your heart still feel, sadness, happiness,hurt,sorrow,tears,joy,pleasure. How long can you go without making any changes? You can go forever. Until YOU make the changes.

When I move to another city and not happy because I did not have my friends or family around me. But, I had a child at that time a baby. He was my responsibility. When you have pay rent, feed your family, buy clothes,by shoes,buy a car, fix the car, pay for insurance, pay for gas, pay for medical insurance. You start to think who is running my life. Everything cost money. I got so tired I want to take my life. Then who would raise my son. Who would be making the decision if I was not around. How much can a person take?

What I learned?

I am here to tell you life goes on with you or without you. Time never stops. So, If you need to make a change in your life today. Make it for the GOOD of you and your family. Paying the bill is not the only thing you have to do in this world. You can have fun and enjoy life.

How do you think you can change your life?

Don’t get mad at your wife or husband because thing did not work out. Don’t be mad a your boss for firing you. Don’t be mad because things did not turn out like you planned. Assure yourself that sometime changes can bring good tithing.


As you grow older and wiser you know that your never going to change as a person. You are YOU. But you can make an effort to make the best you can of out of your life today.


1. Good decision making

2. Follow your Heart

3. Research resources

4. Love

5. Make Money

6. Save Money

7. Take vacations (even if you can not afford them- take weekend trip )

8. Take Time to have fun or laugh

9. Take time to view in the mirror ( Like what you see)

10 Take time to soul search ( You may find out more about yourself)

All above 10 solutions has made my life much easier. Today I live in Atlanta,Ga. and my son is now 29 years of age. I remarried 1995 and very happy.

Let's recap: My son is 29 year old and college graduate. I married again 1995 and my husband is the best. In 2003 I had accident could not work again. My knee was chattered and I can not stand or sit to long. In 2005 I did my research and found a home base business that fit my needs. It's 2010 and I have no boss. But, my husband and son are the most important people in life.

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