The Joys Of Dreaming

Let’s start the story this way; my friend and I sleepily sit on a study shed on a dry afternoon at school waiting for the next class to begin. We realized (at last!) that we are going to graduate from high school soon. But we didn’t pay much attention to the graduation day itself or even the ball. We talked about what course we are going to take. Which unfortunately ended and summed up into a lurid idea that pathetically sounds like, course we “must” have instead of course we really “like” to have. We choose to have the must thing instead. Its like eating steamed vegetables instead of chocolates. To hell it all, we both sighed in disgust. These way of starting, leads us to planning our ways to the road to our much-desired “sparkling” future. A future so bright it must carry the label “You Can Have It All” – or, if not, maybe make it close to that. But then, while dreaming this flawless dreams, the words “work hard’ hit my thought.

Work really hard. Its 99% perspiration 1% intelligence they said. These lines penetrate each part of my brain with such tidal wave accuracy. The pisser is, I’m quite lazy starting things. Even when it comes on starting a day. First thing in the morning, I wake up really late. Going to school late, and finishing things late. And at last, it dawned on me that there are no benefits on being late. Who knows, I might be missing an opportunity that is present while I’m still cringing on my bed or still working on a thing that must have been finished if only I started it a little early. And the idea of an opportunity that slips out of hands sucks. It sucks so hard. I even read the phrase “wake up early and work hard” on our mayor’s office (or sounds close to that). Words in bold letters hanged on his wall. And by the way, he is successful in both realms of politics and business. Which got me into concluding that he must be the early bird that catches the worm personified. And I guess he have been on that attitude since the day he started building the things he have built today. OK, first step, wake up early.

We both agreed to the fore stated thing. Next, we talke about the course we plan to take just because it have the golden and much coveted title of “IN-DEMAND”. Tada! NURSING. In all capital letters. Everybody seems like taking up nursing for practical reasons. Study, graduate, fly to another country asap and forget about earning peso and earn dollars or pounds instead. Seems like everybody’s desire is to leave the country believing that fortune can never be found here and is there across the seas. Willing to ditch the simplicity of local life in exchange of a more “coz” one (cozy=much money, isn’t it like that?). To be a nurse. Not a bad start we surmise. Bt beyond all that, what I really dream of becoming is a writer. The idea that I wanted to express is hat writing is the thing I enjoy doing. What you enjoy doing, is probably what you do best – regardless of what other people think. If I have to work as a nurse to accomplish my plans for my family, which requires some financial stuff, I would wholeheartedly. But never in hell will I loose grip on my dreams. Maybe I can work for them later. And I am willing to work hard for it. I may not own fame and fortune but having to get the satisfaction that I used my talent to the best of my ability regardless of what other people say, is enough.

That too, we agreed. We promised never to loose grip on our dreams. Next is that we must look straight to the goals we ourselves made. And if taking up the in-demand job is the first step, we gladly would. We can surely learn to appreciate the unappreciated. Working while squeezing few time to work on what we really wish to become. That way, we can develop our ability towards that particular ting. It’s all with the word determination.

Then we should always keep eyes on ourselves. That is, to stay away from anything our parents warned us about (i.e. drugs, “too-much” gimmicks, “too much” of anything – and always remember Angelina Jolie’s tattoo; What nourishes me also destroys me). We must keep our balance while crossing the thin bridge that will lead us to success. One mistake can cause us a lot. Like breaking trust of someone, loosing respect and loosing those whom you can turn to. It happens that those are all hard to restore.

We also promised to ourselves never to give up – or even to think of giving things up. Face everything because we never get ourselves anywhere when we run from it. We only live once and this is the only chance we have. The one and only chance to do what we really want. And we wish to savor the life we think is for us and achieving what we feel is is “calling”.

Next thing that happened in this story? The school bell rang. Back to the real world. Back to the classrooms. Back to where things in life begin.

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