Quercetin for Allergies

Quercetin is a flavonoid which acts as a pigment plant that a number of leaves, flowers and fruits their brilliant color display. One of the human being, the benefits on the general health of quercetin is that it serves as an effective and powerful antioxidant that is useful in the capture of harmful elements in the body. These pollutants are known as free radicals. The free radicals can be eliminated since the cellular damage and the abnormal growth of cells and tissues.

Another promising health benefits of quercetin is a potent antihistamine and has anti - inflammatory. Antihistamines are chemical substances that the action of histamine to counteract.Histamine is a chemical produced naturally by the body during an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction, allergy or in short, is a consequence of stimulation of the immune system to an antigen or allergen is also known. These allergens can lead to release of a certain type of immunoglobulin by plasma cells, called IgE antibodies. The antibodies bind to mast cells that are found in virtually all tissues, and abundant in the connective tissue in the vicinity of blood vessels.

These mast cells is the chemical histamine in their cytoplasmic vesicles. The allergens bind to IgE antibodies bound to mast cells, the walls of said request the production of histamine to the vesicles.Once released, histamine can cause vasodilation or enlargement of the lumen of blood vessels, in particular, the arteries. Upon release in the lungs, this can lead to bronchoconstriction or narrowing of the bronchi that the opening of the breathing worked. Scientific studies have demonstrated that quercetin the ability of histamine release by adjusting the stabilization of mast cells. This is the reason for which is used quercetin scale for the treatment of allergy and some forms of inflammation.

Apart from the anti-histamine and anti - inflammatory, quercetin can also help maintain normal levels of bad cholesterol. Medically known as bad cholesterol, low density lipoprotein or LDL can significantly contribute to heart disease which can lead to life - complications or even death.

The reliable natural sources of quercetin are fruits and vegetables, especially apples, onions, parsley and citrus. However, studies show that quercetin is most abundant in the skins of apples and red onions. Including these in your diet can also improve your diet. Other good sources of quercetin are grapes, cherries, blueberries and cranberries. Synthetics, including quercetin supplements in the form of pills or capsules. Most supplements quercetin in combination with other herbal supplements such as Ginkgo biloba and bromelain.Water - soluble preparations of quercetin are also available, which are called Hesperidins - methyl - and quercetin or chalcone HMC - chalcone.

In general, quercetin considered safe. Although side effects may occur rarely, but these are not life - danger. Some of these side effects are headache and gastrointestinal disturbances. However, non-pregnant women and nursing mothers and people with kidney disease, these supplements are perfectly safe.

Quercetin search at your local or internet vitamin store. Aways choose name brands like Solaray the quality and purity of the product purchased quercetin for better health.

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