My Play

An intense game was staged 28 years ago. It 'started damn well with its casts seem to know what they do. In his infinite, everything is perfect, whole and complete. The star breezed through it like a child frolicking in the park. They believed in a power far greater than she, which flows through the veins. The one sitting on the chair opened the inner wisdom. She thought to herself "That's a hell of a show." But slowly, the reality suddenly squeezed in. The main character is in a no man's land. The other casts gettin'on had problems with their share. He began to struggle with the high notes, sharps and many flat notes in the middle.

The audience was stunned. Many times, complete silence enveloped the air. The one sitting on the chair, lost his balance several times. Each time, the game, in one way or another return. Whenever the people applauded. But each time, the star weakened. And each time, the one sitting on the chair was out of breath. Some of the casts made their exit. When he came outside, and eventually had to go. But the main character and the only time in the chair remained. For this is their show. Thank God most of the casts to play with. Because if they did, they would not have seen the entrance of the new star. It 'was greeted with so much pride and honor. Gave such an inspiration. But the one who brought the left, for reasons he will never be able to justify. The new star is not aware of the changing fortunes of the game. But who cares. The game should not be significant, in place of actual, if not for this. The protagonist thought, "I need to know is revealed to me in the right time, space and order." The one sitting on the chair he taught her as she opened the door to wisdom to preserve. Because if it is, flat notes have no power over her and the game. The main character was found in the rhythm and flow of the wind changes. He began to learn to bridges over stabbed with ease, and with the new star on his side. The game is not even halfway done. One is on the chair he had changed most of the flat if they had known the power, but to do so. Maybe she did. But like a beautiful woman once said: "Unfortunately, time can not be undone." This lady and the end is right. Even if the program continues. Meanwhile, the star once again the spirit, the will to stand and the courage to tackle head on the game. The one sitting on the chair knows in his heart that, when the curtain falls, the audience will not have the words to express. But that's okay. The main character is still standing on stage with his head. The one sitting on the chair, then stand up and say "good lin! Bravo!"

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